Pacemaker Donations

If you have a pacemaker fitted - would you consider donating it after your death to save a dog?

If you are being cremated and have a pacemaker fitted, then that pacemaker must legally be removed first, as the battery could explode when subjected to intense heat.

Did you know though that the same pacemaker that has been assisting you through your life, could continue in its usefulness after your death and be used by a vet to keep a dog alive?

The same pacemakers used in humans are also used in dogs and your donation could be the difference between a local family being able to afford to give their dog the help it needs and the dog sadly losing its battle for life.

If you have a pacemaker fitted and are being cremated but would like to donate your pacemaker to a vet to save the life of a dog after you have gone, then just contact your local vet and confirm that they would be able to use it and then instruct your Will drafter to write that specific legacy within your Will which will ensure that your executor(s) can make the appropriate arrangements with the crematorium and the vet you have nominated when the time comes.

We currently have a half price Will offer for those wishing to donate their pacemaker detailed on this page.

The following 2 organisations have vets who work within their group that specialise in advising on pacemakers for dogs so either would be a good place to start to see if they have a local practice to you that would be happy to receive your pacemaker as a donation after your death


Becoming an Expat in Spain: Volume 4


Becoming an Expat in Spain: Volume 3