1/3 of UK children are relying on an inheritance to pay for their own retirement –It is important then to protect that inheritance with a Trust.

A new survey shows that 34% of people in the UK are banking on receiving an inheritance to survive during retirement.

It is also now recognised that the 2 main threats to the amount of inheritance a beneficiary may inherit are:

  • A surviving parent having to go into care after the death of the first parent and their property having to be sold to fund it

  • One parent dying and the survivor then remarrying later on

The group most reliant on an inheritance is the age group currently 35 to 54 and 41% of people in this group were depending on an inheritance for future survival as they could not catch up on retirement savings in time.

People with higher incomes were also relying upon an inheritance so they could continue their family’s standard of living.

In both of these cases, the simple use of a Property Trust set up while both parents are alive and in reasonable health will certainly combat this and should be looked into at the earliest opportunity as time is definitely of the essence in this matter.

Call us FREE today on 0800 668 11 64 to find out more or check out our page on this here: https://thywill.es/property-trusts


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